
I've been searching around, but didn't find a proper issue to this
problem. Is it already addressed? It used to work like charme (integers
were converted into integers etc) - but since something like 1.5.x it
stopped working and I had to rewrite some quoteInto code in order to
make it work again.

If you do something like

    $rowSet = $model->fetchAll();
    Zend_Debug::dump($rowSet->toArray(), '$rowSet->toArray()');
    Zend_Debug::dump($rowSet, '$rowSet');

you'll get for the first dump an array with elements like

    $rowSet->toArray() array(1) {
        [0] => array(3) {
            ["id"] => string(1) "3"
            ["name"] => string(3) "EUR"
            ["name_long"] => string(4) "Euro"

which returns only strings although the field definition is properly
specified in the row like

    ["_metadata:protected"] => array(3) {
      ["id"] => array(14) {
        ["SCHEMA_NAME"] => NULL
        ["TABLE_NAME"] => string(9) "data_unit"
        ["COLUMN_NAME"] => string(2) "id"
        ["COLUMN_POSITION"] => int(1)
        ["DATA_TYPE"] => string(9) "mediumint" <--- !!!
        ["DEFAULT"] => NULL
        ["NULLABLE"] => bool(false)
        ["LENGTH"] => NULL
        ["SCALE"] => NULL
        ["PRECISION"] => NULL
        ["UNSIGNED"] => bool(true)
        ["PRIMARY"] => bool(true)
        ["PRIMARY_POSITION"] => int(1)
        ["IDENTITY"] => bool(false)
      } ...

Will this issue be fixed in 1.7?

Cheers,                        \\|//
Vince                          (o o)
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