Thx Matthew your bug app example is just what I needed :) You even get
nicely namespaced models that way too.

Just a quick question about your model unit tests, it seems from
looking at the source you use a real db connection is this correct?

I was having trouble trying to test with Zend_Db_Table so I have
further abstracted my model so that I can replace tables with test

I am just checking, just incase I missed some functionality in Zend_Db_Table

Thx for the help, nice work on the Loader optimizations btw.


2008/11/11 Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> -- keith Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (on Tuesday, 11 November 2008, 01:39 PM +0000):
>> I am just wondering what the recommended way to load models is.
>> 1) Add model directories to the path and use Zend_Loader
>> 2) Use the Plugin Loader
>> I ask as there has been discussion on speed and the differences
>> between ZL and PL, I was wondering what the most efficient out of the
>> two.
> You're going to have potential inefficiencies with both.
> If you go for (1), then if your app grows, you'll start adding paths for
> each module, and the larger your include_path grows, the more liklihood
> of naming conflicts and the more inefficient the lookups will become.
> If you go for (2), you'll have a performance decrease right off the bat
> -- but you can alleviate most of that with the new PluginLoader include
> file cache that ships with 1.7.0. You can also then prefix your classes
> per-module.
> I personally usually go with (2), and you can see an example of how I
> approach it in the bugapp demo I wrote for the DPC earlier this year:
> In that, I use an action helper that uses an internal PluginLoader to
> grab models. (Helpers are in application/controllers/helpers/)
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Software Architect       | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Zend Framework           |


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