Hi Amar,

    require_once  '/editor/class/config.class.php';

And you'll be just fine :-)


amar4kintu schreef:
Is there anyone who has integrated spaw editor in zend framework?

I am trying to integrate spaw editor in zend framework.

I am using register autoload to load classes automatically.


Now the problem I am getting is when I integrate spaw editor using following

in my controller class action

include ($physical_path['Editor'].'spaw_control.class.php');

$sw = new SPAW_Wysiwyg( 'page_content' /*name*/,	 ''	/*value*/,
								'en' /*language*/, 'full' /*toolbar mode*/, 'default' /*theme*/,
								'700px' /*width*/, '475px' /*height*/);					   
$this->view->myeditor = $sw->getHtml();

I am getting following error.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Session_Exception' with message
'Zend_Session::start() -
E:\websites\certilogo\library\Zend\Loader.php(Line:83): Error #2
Zend_Loader::include_once() [ function.include function.include ]: Failed
opening 'SpawConfigItem.php' for inclusion
Array' in E:\websites\certilogo\library\Zend\Session.php:432 Stack trace: #0
Zend_Session::start(true) #1 E:\websites\certilogo\index.php(28):
Zend_Session_Namespace->__construct('certilogo') #2 {main} thrown in
E:\websites\certilogo\library\Zend\Session.php on line 432

It seems that register autoload  is trying to search for SpawConfigItem.php 
for class SpawConfigItem as per zend class loading method. But class is
actually in file /editor/class/config.class.php

Can any one help me to solve this issue or how can we make loading of class
for editor using some otherway.




Bart McLeod
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Bart McLeod is a Zend Certified Engineer.

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