Can you provide a link?

I am not using Zend_View but a smarty solution.
When you dump $paginator, do you have the correct results? So only the necessary amount of rows?
Are you sure $page is filled?

Kinda like:
      $page = 1;
       if($this->_getParam('page ')){
           $page = $this->_getParam('page ');

I am using it with success:

$this->view->pages = $paginator->getPages(); (for the paginator.tpl, like $this->pages->pageCount ->pagesInRange....

$this->view->results = $paginator  (for looping the results)

My paginator.tpl looks like this, maybe it can help (remember this is smarty):

{if $this->pages->pageCount > 1}
<div class="paginationControl">
{assign var=url value=$url|rtrim:"/"}
<!-- Last page link -->
{assign var=first value=$this->pages->first}
{assign var=last value=$this->pages->last}
{if !$this->pages->pagesInRange[$first]}
<a href="{$url|regex_replace:'/\/seite\/\d+/':''}/seite/{$this->pages->first}" >&lt;&lt;</a>

{if $this->pages->pageCount > 6}
   <!-- Previous page link -->
   {if $this->pages->previous }
<a href="{$url|regex_replace:'/\/seite\/\d+/':''}/seite/{$this->pages->previous}" >&lt; Zurück</a> |
<!-- Numbered page links -->
{foreach from=$this->pages->pagesInRange key=myId item=i}
 {if $i != $this->pages->current }
 {assign var=j value=/seite/$i}
   <a href="{$url|regex_replace:'/\/seite\/\d+/':''}{$j}" >{$i}</a>
 {if $this->pages->last != $i} | {/if}

{if $this->pages->pageCount > 6}
   <!-- Next page link -->
   {if $this->pages->next}
<a href="{$url|regex_replace:'/\/seite\/\d+/':''}/seite/{$this->pages->next}" >Weiter &gt;</a>
<!-- Last page link -->
{if !$this->pages->pagesInRange[$last]}
<a href="{$url|regex_replace:'/\/seite\/\d+/':''}/seite/{$this->pages->last}" >&gt;&gt;</a>


vladimirn schrieb:
Thank you for swift replay :)

Now i went with this:
$page = $this->_request->getParam('page') ;
                $db = Zend_Registry::get ( 'db' );
                                $select = $db->select ()
                                ->from ( 'banners', array ('bannerurl', 
'height', 'width', 'bannersize'
) )
                                ->where ( 'active = ?', 'y' )
                                ->where ('programid = ?', $programid)
                                ->where('websiteid = ?', $websiteid)
                                ->where('bannertype = ?', $bannertype)
                                ->order ( 'height', 'ASC' );
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($select);

Zend_View_Helper_PaginationControl::setDefaultViewPartial('paginator.phtml'); $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
Still cant get proper results. Links are clickable, but not lead to next
In display.phtml i have:
<?php echo $this->paginator ?>
<?php foreach ( $this->paginator as $banner ) :?>
<div style="float:left; padding-left:20px"> "<?php echo $banner['bannerurl']
? "></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Any suggestion?

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