maybe this helps:

it should be the same problem.

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 16:07:42 Mon Zafra wrote:
> Hi list,
> This might be off-topic as I couldn't tell if the problem is caused by IE,
> PHP, Zend_Pdf or Adobe Reader.
> Using PHP 5.2.4, ZF trunk r12700, IE7, Adobe Reader 9
> <?php
> require_once 'Zend/Pdf.php';
> $pdf = new Zend_Pdf();
> $pdf->pages[] = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4);
> session_start();
> header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
> echo $pdf->render();
> This should render a PDF with a single blank page. However, IE7 returns a
> general error "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". If I comment
> the session_start() line, the PDF is rendered fine. My problem is that I
> need to get some session variables first before rendering the PDF. Has
> anyone come across this problem, and how did you solve it?

Benjamin Eberlei

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