Is it possible to create nested objects with Zend_Soap_Wsdl to use for WSDL 
generation? I tried someting like this:

--- SNIP ---

class MyFooResult
     * @var MyFooSubResult[]
    public $sub;
    /* ... */

--- SNAP ---

...but I am getting an Zend_Soap_Wsdl_Exception with following message:

> Cannot add a complex type MyFooSubResult[] that is not an object or where 
> class could not be found in 'DefaultComplexType' strategy.

This exception will be caused because 
Zend_Soap_Wsdl_Strategy_DefaultComplexType is used for class properties and it 
searchs for a class named "MyFooSubResult[]".

Am I doing something wrong or is it impossible (at the moment?) to use nested 
objects for WSDL generation?

-- Jan
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