Hey Ace, i had the same problem.
I solved it by making a link which leading me to the page with pagination
like this

(above wasnt work for me)
and this one works:

//in bootstrap
$route3 = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
        'controller' => 'wedding',
        'action'     => 'bouquet'
// $obj = $bouquet->fetchAll('bouquet_category='.$category_id);

//in controller
$db = Zend_Registry::get ( 'db' );
                                $select = $db->select ()
                                ->from ( 'bouqets', array ('*' ) )
                                ->where ( 'bouquet_category= ?', $category_id );
 // Instantiate the Zend Paginator and give it the Zend_Db_Select instance 
Argument ($selection)
        $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($select);
        // Set parameters for paginator
        // Note: For this to work of course, your URL must be something like
this: http:
        //localhost:8888/index/index/page/1  <- meaning we are currently on
page one, and pass that value into the "setCurrentPageNumber"
        // Make paginator available in your views
          $this->view->paginator = $paginator;

Ace Paul wrote:
> Hi all. 
> I'm having a bit of a problem trying to get the pagination working using a
> route. It is not printing the page numbers in the a href of the urls. so
> it just goes to wedding/bouquets/category instead of
> wedding/bouquets/category/2 etc
> The pagination shows, but I do not get the correct links.
> they just point to the base page. And when i go to
> wedding/bouquets/category/2 etc if shows the correct page too. So all is
> working except the links, which show, but don't function correctly.
> Also is it possible to link the number 1 link back so it doesnt have the 1
> there. ie the base page?
> wedding/bouquets/category and have page 2 go to
> wedding/bouquets/category/2 etc
> in my bootstrap i have these routes set already
> $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
>     'wedding/bouquets/:bouquet',
>     array(
>         'controller' => 'wedding',
>         'action'     => 'bouquet'
>     )
> );
> $router->addRoute('bouquet',$route2);
> $route3 = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
>     'wedding/bouquets/:bouquet/:page',
>     array(
>         'controller' => 'wedding',
>         'action'     => 'bouquet'
>     )
> );
> in the wedding controller, bouquet action i have the following
>               $bouquet = new Bouquet();
> if ($category_id > 0) {
>  $obj = $bouquet->fetchAll('bouquet_category='.$category_id);
> $array = $obj->toArray();
>           $this->view->paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($array);
> $this->view->paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($this->_getParam('page'));
> $this->view->bouquet =
> $bouquet->fetchAll('bouquet_category='.$category_id);
>       return;
>       }
> then in my view i have 
> <?php if (count($this->paginator)): ?><?=
> $this->paginationControl($this->paginator,
>                              'Sliding',
>                              'my_pagination_control.phtml'); ?>
> <ul  >
> <?php echo $this->partialLoop('partials/_bouquets.phtml',
> $this->paginator); ?>
> </ul>
> <?= $this->paginationControl($this->paginator,
>                              'Sliding',
>                              'my_pagination_control.phtml'); ?>
> <?php endif; ?>
> and the my_pagination_control.phtml looks like this
> <?php if ($this->pageCount): ?>
> <div class="paginationControl">
> <!-- Previous page link -->
> <?php if (isset($this->previous)): ?>
>    "<?= $this- url(array('page' => $this->previous)); ?>">
>     &lt; Previous
>     |
> <?php else: ?>
>   &lt; Previous |
> <?php endif; ?>
> <!-- Numbered page links -->
> <?php foreach ($this->pagesInRange as $page): ?>
>   <?php if ($page != $this->current): ?>
>      "<?= $this- url(array('page' => $page)); ?>">
>         <?= $page; ?>
>       |
>   <?php else: ?>
>     <?= $page; ?> |
>   <?php endif; ?>
> <?php endforeach; ?>
> <!-- Next page link -->
> <?php if (isset($this->next)): ?>
>    "<?= $this- url(array('page' => $this->next)); ?>">
>     Next &gt;
> <?php else: ?>
>   Next &gt;
> <?php endif; ?>
> </div>
> <?php endif; ?>
> thanks for any help given. It is always much appreciated.

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