i dont know about the layout and phtml file, this is not a topic of the 
datepicker. what i said is, you have to change your setDecorators call to:

$time_event_end->setDecorators(array(array('UiWidgetElement', array(
                  'viewScript' => '_element.phtml',
                  'id'      => 'time_event_end_div'

DatePicker does not work with ViewHelper but with UiWidgetElement helper.

On Thursday 27 November 2008 08:19:56 aSecondWill wrote:
> hmm, ok. thanks.
> so can't i specify a phtml file to manage the layout with that?
> beberlei wrote:
> > datepicker needs the UiWidgetElement Decorator, NOT the ViewHelper
> > decorator.

Benjamin Eberlei

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