AWESOME!!!! WORKS PERFECTLY :) Thank you so so much Bruno. I wonder why the
password placeholder is needed there.

Anyway thanks a mil :)

Bruno Friedmann-2 wrote:
> Sorry Jason in Postgresql "something" refer to a db, schema, table, column
> name
> so a 0="0" -> column doesn't exist
> but yes a select false = '0' is true.
> But here what I've use as code which work in similar conditions
> $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
> $dbAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db, 'users', 'login',
> 'password', 'MD5(?) AND active = TRUE');
> $dbAdapter->setCredential( $values['userpassword'] )
>           ->setIdentity( $values['userlogin'] );
> $result = $this->_auth->authenticate($dbAdapter);
> In dele454 code it's seem you missed the place for hashed password in the
> marked place for the password
> so a
> $authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db, 'Members','Email',
> 'Password', '? AND IsActive != "0"');
>  would do the trick.
> Jason Webster wrote:
>> Not really...
>> SELECT 0 = "0" // true
>> SELECT FALSE = "0" // true
>> SELECT FALSE = 0 // true
>> Bruno Friedmann wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Just a word : be carefull with 0/1 TRUE/FALSE and the type of your
>>> column and the database used.
>>> I suspect if you write you
>>> $authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db, 'Members',
>>>> 'Email', 'Password', 'AND IsActive != "0"');
>>> AND IsActive != 0
>>> this would work ... :-)
>>> As another advice to be more SQL linguistic I would inverse the " and '
>>> "AND IsActive != '0'")
>>> dele454 wrote:
>>>> Am trying to implement a similar scenario where if the column
>>>> IsActive is set
>>>> to '0' the authentication should fail. A typical scenario is when a
>>>> user
>>>> just signed up and still needs to active acct before allowed to gain
>>>> access.
>>>> I followed the instruction in the Ref Guide but it isnt working. If
>>>> the user
>>>> supplies email+password before acct is activated - login is granted.
>>>> The only code i didnt implement from the advanced useage example is the
>>>> MD5(?) because i have something similar implemented already. Except
>>>> if it
>>>> does something else - i cant loggin with any credentials if i include
>>>> it
>>>> though
>>>>                 $db= Zend_Registry::get('db');
>>>>                 $authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($db,
>>>> 'Members',
>>>> 'Email', 'Password', 'AND IsActive != "0"');
>>>> $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
>>>>                 $password = $logins['password'];
>>>>                 $salt = "$^&##&@";
>>>>                                 $password =
>>>> md5($salt.$logins['password']);
>>>>                 $authAdapter->setIdentity($logins['email']);
>>>>                 $authAdapter->setCredential($password);
>>>>                 return $authAdapter;   
>>>> Please help is needed thanks :)
>>>> -----
>>>> dee
> -- 
>      Bruno Friedmann
> Ioda-Net Sàrl
>   2830 Vellerat - Switzerland
>   Tél : ++41 32 435 7171
>   Fax : ++41 32 435 7172
>   gsm : ++41 78 802 6760
>  Centre de Formation et de Coaching En Ligne

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