Hello Community,

I turning to you after many hours of head scratching and frustration. I have
a site developed using PHP, ZendFramework, MySQL and Apache. The site uses
Zend_Form extensively to process forms. The code all executes without issue
on my Local, development, and staging server. However when I deploy the code
to my production environment I am receiving the following error when calling
pages with forms.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Zend_Form

I'm running PHP 5.2.6 installed via a FreeBSD port.

I'm not running any opcode caches to the best of my knowledge. However it
has all the appearance of being a caching issue. Any thoughts on what could
be causing this issue? Apache restarts doing nothing to correct the issue.
I'm at the point of rebuilding PHP without using the FreeBSD port to remove
he possibility of something in the port is causing opcode caching. I'm
hoping you all can help before going down that path.

Thanks in advance.
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