On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:07 AM, Sebastian Hopfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi till,
> i know that this function is added since a long time. This was only an
> example.
> But how i could write a PHPUnit test - so that i get a CodeCoverage by 100%
> and the test is solved complete?
> I mean - the ZF is solicited with a 100% Code Coverage.
> How this should work at following issue?
> http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-5091

I'd (personally) fix it similar to what you proposed.

But personally I could also care less about 5.2.4 and see no benefit
in supporting it, let alone making it a requirement.


a) It's old -- released in August, 2007.
b) 5.2.5 was released as a security update to 5.2.4. ;-) (Point taken,
a lot of distros backported the fixes.)

I know that for RHEL/CentOS, there are unofficial repositories with an
even more current version of PHP.

On Debian there are the unstable and testing branches (most
Debian-people I know recommend unstable even in production). Most
other distros have no issues offering 5.2.4. And in the end, in order
to be able to stick with maintainable software, you could also build
your own RPM/port/deb/whatever.

There's really no reason to stick with an old version of PHP. Unless
you run really, really old software but since we are on a Zend
Framework mailinglist, you can rule that out - sort of. ;-)


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