
I don't get the point.

You said that the user uploads the file via HTTP to the server.
So it's stored on the server as real file.

Then you said that you can not filter because the file is not stored on the server ?

I don't know any extension which stored a uploaded file directly on Mogile or any other filesystem beside that where PHP resists. I think you completly misunderstood how the file transfer generally works.

Related to filtering itself the order is fixed:
validation -> filter -> send
validation -> receive -> filter -> send

All other handlings would not work when using different adapters.
But you should be aware of one thing... the download handling is not integrated for now so it is possible that it changes due to other needs of integrated adapters. (Not the method itself but probably how things work internally).

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paweł Chuchmała" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Zend_File_Transfer proposal, send and receive

I have questions ho implement some methods.

I want to send file to MogileFs system. I write adapter for it. Scnario is:

1. receive file via user form (http_adapter::receive())
2. add file to my adapter: $file->addFile($form->file->getFileName());
3. add filters: $file->addFilter('Rename', '/something\c:\veryStrange/');
4. send it to MogileFs: $file->send().

I write send() method and first question: should I apply filters before
Another problem. File in MogileFS are stored in flat structure. There are'nt
directories, filenames, etc. I can't use
method Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Abstract::_filter(), because it use
dirname() and filename() to choose destination and name.
I cant use Zend_Filter_File_Rename, cause it work on files in system. If I
receive file it's ok. But if I want send it somewhere,
I want to change only array that describe my file.

Filenames (for true I should say 'virtual filenames') in MogileFs nad Amazon S3 can be like point 3. above, so if I want send file to them, shouldn't be
validated as file for store in 'traditional' file systems.

How I can do this, in Zend Framework convention?


2008/12/9 Thomas Weidner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There are always 2 directions.
Upload and Download.

Upload means that the server receives a file from a foreign destination.
Therefor the method is called receive.
Download means that the server sends a file to a foreign destination.
Therefor the method is called send.

When you don't want to send a file to the client you can still echo it
(display), but this is no download.
Zend_File_Transfer does only handle file transfer and not file displaying

Beside that the FTP adapter is not coded for now so there is no need to
hassle about it. :-)

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paweł Chuchmała" <
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 10:43 AM
Subject: [fw-general] Zend_File_Transfer proposal, send and receive


I don't understand when I should use send() and receive() methods.
I think that send() should send file(s) from place where our application
to another place.
And receive() should receive file to place where application is.
For example, if I want store at ftp server file from user uploaded by http
post, I do it like that:


$files = new Zend_File_Transfer('FTP', array('user' => 'adam', 'pwd' =>
'sandler', 'server' => '')<>

But in examples from proposal we have:
FTP Download:
"The API can also be used for downloads. It will work as wrapper so the
does not see where the original files is located and ZF will send the file
to the user."
and it use send(). I think it should use receive() to receive file from
and then send it to user by echoing content or something else, but nod
send() method from FTP adapter.

Kind, regards,

Paweł Chuchmała
pawel.chuchmala at gmail dot com

Paweł Chuchmała
pawel.chuchmala at gmail dot com

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