On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Jake McGraw <jmcgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Update:
> Looks like the PECL serialize/unserialize used for storing the
> $_SESSION array is different from PHP serialize/unserialize, so when
> Zend app tries to read in the serialized data it doesn't understand
> the serialized $_SESSION array.
> Anyone have experience with this?

I'm not aware of differences, cause I don't know about pecl/serialize?
I thought those are in core. So I'm not sure what your comment relates

But anyway, maybe this helps:

It's the memcache driver/container we use for HTTP_Session2. It
implements the basics (read, write, close, open, etc.).

> - jake
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Jake McGraw <jmcgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to create a custom Zend_Session save handler that works
>> with memcache. The code basically goes like this:
>> <?php
>> class Custom_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached implements
>> Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface {
>>  private $cache = null;
>>  public function __construct($cache) {
>>    $this->cache = $cache;
>>  }
>>  public function read ($id) {
>>    if(!($data = $this->cache->load($id))) {
>>      return '';
>>    } else {
>>      return $data;
>>    }
>>  }
>>  public function write ($id, $data) {
>>    $this->cache->save($data, $id);
>>    return true;
>>  }
>>  public function open ($save_path, $name) {
>>    return true;
>>  }
>>  public function close () {
>>    return true;
>>  }
>>  public function destroy ($id) {
>>  }
>>  // not used for memcache
>>  public function gc ($maxlifetime) {
>>    return true;
>>  }
>> }
>> This works perfectly fine, session information is saved to memcache
>> using the SID. The problem I'm having is that I have some legacy code
>> which won't be utilizing Zend Framework and also uses memcache to save
>> session information. I'd like to be able to share session information
>> between the legacy code and my Zend App, but I've hit a wall because
>> there appears to be a conflict between
>> Zend_Session::setSaveHandler(memcache) and using the ini directive
>> "session.save_handler=memcache".
>> After debugging the issue, basically watching the state of my memcache
>> values when transitioning from legacy code to my Zend app, it appears
>> that the session information gets cleared between requests, so that
>> any values written to memcache by the legacy app save handler won't
>> transition into the Zend app and viceversa.
>> Besides using ini settings in the Zend app, does anyone have any
>> advice as to why this is happening?
>> - jake

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