thanks for your help on this.
I'm trying to get this going, but not having any luck at all, especially
seeing as I haven't used json with zend yet.

I'm getting this error in my controller file.

Method "encodeJson" does not exist and was not trapped in __call() 
   public function _prepareautocompletion($data) {
        $items = array();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $items[] = array('label' => $value, 'name' => $value, 'key' =>
        $final = array(
            'identifier' => 'key',
            'items' => $items,
        return $this->encodeJson($final);

this is my autocompleteAction in CategoryController.php

  function autocompleteAction () 
                $request = $this->getRequest();
                $category_id = (int)$this->_request->getParam('category_id');
                $race = new Race();
                $races = $race->getCategoryRaces($category_id); // function to 
output all
$this->view->races = $this->_prepareautocompletion($races);

Ok, now theres a couple things here i'm unsure of.
Firstly because this is setup with the first select box not populated
because it is expecting data from a data store, how am I to pass this info
into the json request. I'm sure I'm way off track with this one.
And Second, why am I getting the json error. Do I need to set something up
before hand for this to work.


Themselves wrote:
> I have spent WAY too much time getting this exact scenario working using
> Zend Dojo forms and an MVC environment, and I plan on building an
> extensive
> article explaining it all soon, but for now, here's the really quick and
> dirty version. I haven't gotten my version perfect yet, I'm still not
> happy
> with the URLs I'm calling to retrieve the data, but that's not a huge
> deal.
> Anyway, on with the show.
> First of all, here's your two form elements.
>         $this->addElement('FilteringSelect', 'fk_client_id', array(
>             'label'        => 'Client:',
>             'storeId' => 'clientStore',
>             'storeType'=> '',
>             'storeParams' => array( 'url' =>
> '/clients/autocomplete/format/ajax?autocomplete=1&str=*',),
>             'autoComplete'   => 'false',
>             'hasDownArrow'   => 'true',
>             'id' => 'fk_client_id',
>         ));
>         $this->addElement('FilteringSelect', 'fk_client_contact_id',
> array(
>             'label'        => 'Client contact:',
>             'storeId' => 'clientContactStore',
>             'storeType'=> '',
>             'autoComplete'   => 'false',
>             'hasDownArrow'   => 'true',
>             'id' => 'fk_client_contact_id',
>         ));
> Now for the javascript, this has to appear somewhere on the page that
> contains the form.
> dojo.connect(dijit.byId('fk_client_id'), 'onChange', function () {
>         dijit.byId('fk_client_contact_id').store = new
>{ url:
> "/clientcontacts/autocomplete/format/ajax?autocomplete=1&fk_client_id=" +
> dijit.byId("fk_client_id").value });
> });
> As for the URLs for the Datastores, they are kind of an exercise for the
> reader, other than to say they obviously should filter correctly on the
> passed parameters, and they have to return JSON. This part was pretty
> annoying, but I eventually found that a function like this returns the
> correct JSON format:
>     public function prepareAutoCompletion($data) {
>         $items = array();
>         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
>             $items[] = array('label' => $value, 'name' => $value, 'key' =>
> $key);
>         }
>         $final = array(
>             'identifier' => 'key',
>             'items' => $items,
>         );
>         return $this->encodeJson($final);
>     }
> You pass in to the function an array of id => value pairs, and it will
> output the correct JSON for the FilteringSelects. If you use the built in
> AutoCompleteDojo helper, it won't use the id from your table as the value
> that the form submits, which is pretty much useless.
> Oh, and one more trick, for the Edit action, you are going to need to
> include something like this:
> $form->populate($row);
> $form->getElement('fk_client_contact_id')->setStoreParams(array( 'url' =>
> '/clientcontacts/autocomplete/format/ajax?&autocomplete=1&fk_client_id=' .
> $form->getElement('fk_client_id')->getValue() ));
> So that it prepopulates the form correctly.
> I promise I'll write up a really impressive document that spells this
> whole
> thing out in painstaking detail, I'm just absolutely flat out until
> christmas, I haven't had any time!
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Ace Paul <>
> wrote:
>> I have a form, which I would like to use dependent drop downs in. I can't
>> seem to find anything about it hear, after looking all morning trying to
>> work it out.
>> I have one field "race_country"
>> when an option is selected I would like to show the cities in that
>> country.
>> The following is what I have currently in the form, which will show all
>> countries and all cities.
>> Any help would be great. thanks
>> $table = new Country();
>> foreach ($table->fetchAll() as $c) {
>>    $country->addMultiOption($c->country_id, $c->country_name);
>> }
>>  $this->addElement( $country);
>>  $city = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('race_city');
>> $city->setLabel('City')
>>         ->setRequired(true);
>> $table = new City();
>> foreach ($table->fetchAll() as $c) {
>>    $city->addMultiOption($c->city_id, $c->city_name);
>> }
>>  $this->addElement( $city);
>> --
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