We've been inserting all javascript after the entire form, or in the head
using the onDOMReady event provided by YUI.

Seems to work well for most things.


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 07:59, Bart McLeod <mcl...@spaceweb.nl> wrote:

> you will need a decorator on your first element, with placement set to
> 'append' or a decorator on the second element, with placement set to
> 'prepend'.
> There is a lot on decorators in the manual and on devzone.
> Bart
> maxarbos schreef:
> I have been through a number of examples, but dont think I have
>> found/understand what i need to do.
>> I have a form that i want the rendered html to look like this (or
>> similar):
>> ----------------
>> First Name:<input name="first_name" value="">
>> javascript:document.myform.getElementByID('first_name').value click here
>> Last Name:<input name="last_name" value="">
>> ----------------
>> I have a zend form created by:
>> ----------------
>> class My_Forms_Names extends Zend_Form{
>>        public function init()
>>    {
>>        $this->addElement('text', 'first_name', array(
>>            'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
>>            'validators' => array(
>>                'Alpha',
>>                array('StringLength', false, array(2, 50)),
>>            ),
>>            'required' => true,
>>            'label' => 'First Name',
>>                        'class' => 'text',
>>        ));
>>        $this->addElement('text', 'last_name', array(
>>            'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
>>            'validators' => array(
>>                'Alpha',
>>                array('StringLength', false, array(2, 50)),
>>            ),
>>            'required' => true,
>>            'label' => 'Last Name',
>>                        'class' => 'text',
>>        ));
>>        $this->addDisplayGroup(
>>            array('first_name', 'last_name'),
>>                'nameinfo',
>>            array(
>>                'disableLoadDefaultDecorators' => true,
>>                'decorators' => array(
>>                                        'FormElements',
>>                                        array('HtmlTag',
>> array('tag'=>'ol')),
>>                                        'Fieldset' ),
>>                'legend' => 'Trips:',
>>            )
>>        );
>>    }
>> }
>> ----------------
>> I want to be able to insert '
>> javascript:document.myform.getElementByID('first_name').value click here '
>> in between the two name fields.
>> Any suggestions or examples would be great.
>> Thank you.

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