I had the same needs a couple of weeks ago...
Read the following article by Rob Allen : it's really simple.

Have fun!

2008/12/19 Paweł Chuchmała <pawel.chuchm...@gmail.com>:
> Hi.
> I want to do form, which one I can edit multiple rows from table.
> Example:
> I have table customer (fields:id, name, address), and table orders
> ('order_id, customer_id, order_detail).
> I want one form where i can edit customer data, and all his orders. I don't
> know how i can do that.
> All my forms i do this way:
> My_Form_Customer extends Zend_Form
> {
>   public function init()
>   {
>     $id = $this->addElement('hidden', 'id');
>     $name = $this->addElement('text', 'name');
>     $addresss = $this->addElement('text, 'address');
>   }
> }
> How and where i can add fields for orders? I't must work with populate(),
> validate() etc.
> regards,
> pch
> --
> Paweł Chuchmała
> pawel.chuchmala at gmail dot com

Thomas VEQUAUD   http://thomas.vequaud.free.fr/
Ingénieur Systèmes pour le compte d' ITS GROUP
Bénévole et secouriste à la Croix-Rouge Française

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