Hi Bradley,
Use the scrolling style "All" instead.

Please see http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.paginator.usage.html for
more information.


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 6:40 PM, Bradley Holt <bradley.h...@foundline.com>wrote:

> I was looking for a way to have Zend_Paginator show all of the items.
> For example, I have a selector that allows a user to show 25, 50, 100,
> or all records. I couldn't find any documentation but by experimenting
> I found that I could pass a negative one (-1) to setItemCountPerPage
> and it would show all items (actually, I think any negative number
> will show all items). Since I couldn't find any documentation on this
> I'm wondering if this is a supported feature of Zend_Paginator that
> just happens to work now but might break in the future.
> Thanks,
> Bradley
> --
> Bradley Holt
> bradley.h...@foundline.com

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