
This works great... Quick question, I couldn't find it in the manual...

a) is it required to set addPrefixPath()
b) if so how can I set it globally?

Edward Haber wrote:
> I use a custom validator for this functionality. Add it to the  
> validation chain in the form model:
>       $confirmPassword = new Zend_Form_Element_Password("password_confirm");
>       $confirmPassword->setLabel('Confirm Password')
>               ->setDescription('Please re-enter your password.')
>               ->addValidator('PasswordConfirm')
>               ->addValidator('StringLength', false, array(5, 14))
>               ->setAttribs(array('size'=>30))
>               ->setRequired(true);
>       $this->addElement($confirmPassword);
> The custom validator goes in your apps lib. /library/MF/Validate/ 
> PasswordConfirm.php.
> This is some code i got off this list or on the Zend website that I  
> use. It assumes the password confirm field is called "password." I'm  
> sure a generic one could be made for all confirms.
> <?php
> require_once 'Zend/Validate/Abstract.php';
> class MF_Validate_PasswordConfirm extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
> {
>       const NOT_MATCH = 'notMatch';
>       protected $_messageTemplates = array(self::NOT_MATCH => 'Passwords do  
> not match.');
>       public function isValid($value, $context = null)
>       {
>               $value = (string) $value;
>               $this->_setValue($value);
>               if (is_array($context)) {
>                       if (isset($context['password']) && ($value ==  
> $context['password'])) {
>                               return true;
>                       }
>               } elseif (is_string($context) && ($value == $context)) {
>                       return true;
>               }
>               $this->_error(self::NOT_MATCH);
>               return false;
>       }
> }
> Haven't tried the Dojo password box yet but looks cool.
> EH
> On Jan 5, 2009, at 12:14 PM, webPragmatist wrote:
>> Is it possible to pass the POST variable(s) once instead of twice  
>> when using the identical validator?
>> What I have is a method in a model that checks a param which is  
>> passed when the form is generated in the controller. Then the  
>> controller (if the request is post) runs isValid($_POST).
>> This works fine I just wish there was a way to access the post  
>> variable from the same $_POST array that is sent using isValid  
>> instead of passing variables twice to the form object (model).
>>     public function getAccountCreateForm($postPass = null)
>>     {
>>         // Add a password form element
>>         $password = new  
>> Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_PasswordTextBox('password');
>>         $password->setLabel('Password:')
>>                  ->setRequired(true)
>>                  ->setTrim(true)
>>                  ->setInvalidMessage('Please provide a valid  
>> password');
>>         $form->addElement($password);
>>         // Add a confirm password form element
>>         $confirmPassword = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_PasswordTextBox(
>> 'confirmPassword');
>>         $confirmPassword->setLabel('Confirm Password:')
>>                  ->setRequired(true)
>>                  ->setTrim(true)
>>                  ->setInvalidMessage('Please provide a valid  
>> password')
>>                  ->addValidator('identical',
>>                     true,
>>                     array($postPass));
>>         $form->addElement($confirmPassword);
>>     }
>> View this message in context: Zend_Form / Identical Validator and  
>> comparing form fields
>> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

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