Well, there was a form with some other things there to but the
$filadapter-object was initialized with:
$filadapter = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http();
and that it gave the line 102 may depend on that I tried to change
some of the code but I've changed that back again
and line 102 is

if (!move_uploaded_file($content['tmp_name'], ($directory .
$content['name']))) {

and I use  1.7.1

And I meant Zend_Validate_File_Upload when I spoke of Upload earlier

If there is a way to configure Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http() that
would help me out with this would of course be great

All my best
2009/1/23 Thomas Weidner <thomas.weid...@gmx.at>:
> The code you gave is only partitial... it is not visible how the adapter is
> initiated and configured.
> Also line 102 you gave is actually a comment.
> So I expect that you are using an outdated release.
> First update to the actual release.
> Second as soon as you call any method which sets or gets the destination
> directory it is checked it there is write permission.
> This is also done for the temporary directory when you don't set anyone.
> Greetings
> Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework
> http://www.thomasweidner.com
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bertil Wergelius"
> <bertil.wergel...@gmail.com>
> To: "Thomas Weidner" <thomas.weid...@gmx.at>
> Cc: <fw-general@lists.zend.com>
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 2:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [fw-general] File_Transfer move_uploade_file permision denied
>> Yes, Thomas, I did look at the manual but I have this test-code (that
>> by the way works excellently with the filter to change the name of the
>> file to underscores instead of spaces all thanks to your code, that is
>> really great and I thank you for that):
>> if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
>>       $filsokvag = $filuppladdning->getFilename();
>>       $filnamnsfilter = new Zend_Filter_BaseName();
>>       $sokvagsfilter = new Zend_Filter_Dir();
>>       $mellanslag2understreck = new
>> Zend_Filter_Word_SeparatorToSeparator(' ','_');
>>       $filnamnet = $filnamnsfilter->filter($filsokvag);
>>       $sokvagen = $sokvagsfilter->filter($filsokvag);
>>       $gammalsokvag = $sokvagen ."/".$filnamnet;
>>       $nya_filnamnet = $mellanslag2understreck->filter($filnamnet);
>>       $nyafilsokvag = $sokvagen ."/" .$nya_filnamnet;
>>       $filadapter->addFilter('Rename',array(
>>                               'source' => $gammalsokvag,
>>                               'target' => $nyafilsokvag,
>>                               'overwrite' => true
>>                                            )
>>       );
>>       $filadapter->receive();
>> etc...
>> But if I change the directory rights to only read I get the message:
>> Warning:
>> move_uploaded_file(/var/www/Testa_Div_Zend_framework/div_dokument/testa.odt)
>> [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission
>> denied in
>> /var/www/ZendFramework/library/Zend/File/Transfer/Adapter/Http.php
>> on line 102
>> I've tried to do all sorts of things with if (!$filadapter->receive()
>> etc but nothing works. It seems like it accepts $filadapter->receive()
>> as true although it can't move the file from tmp to the destination.
>> Would be really grateful for help with sorting this out.
>> 2009/1/23 Thomas Weidner <thomas.weid...@gmx.at>:
>>> Bertil,
>>> Whatever you mean with upload but move_uploaded_file is part of PHP
>>> itself.
>>> It does handle invalid write permission.
>>> And also Zend_File_Transfer handles invalid write permissions and return
>>> an
>>> exception is this case with the proper message text.
>>> Have you tried it out or are you just looking at the code unable to find
>>> out
>>> how it works ? :-)
>>> Take a look at the manual or the examples which can be found around in
>>> the
>>> net.
>>> Greetings
>>> Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader, Zend Framework
>>> http://www.thomasweidner.com
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bertil Wergelius"
>>> <bertil.wergel...@gmail.com>
>>> To: <fw-general@lists.zend.com>
>>> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 12:03 PM
>>> Subject: [fw-general] File_Transfer move_uploade_file permision denied
>>>> Why doesn't Upload catch the possibility that the destination catalog
>>>> has no write privileges?
>>>> I used to have a class for image uploads with this code sample:
>>>> if ($fel==UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
>>>>       if (!($flytta_f...@move_uploaded_file($tempfil,$malet))) {
>>>>          return("Flyttning av filen misslyckades");
>>>>       } else {
>>>> etc
>>>> and that works fine. But I can't figure out how that would be done in
>>>> or with Zend_File_Transfer.

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