Hi Jan,

you don't need two filter classes for compression and decompression, but it
might be easier for others to see what your filter is doing.

If you're going to put compression and decompression into one filter you could
use the constructor to tell it what to do. Or any other method you'd like.

For a start have a look at the existing filters under Zend/Filter/.
There are also some that take additional arguments either through the
constructor or other methods.


Jan Pieper schrieb:
> Hi guys,
> I am working on a new proposal to compress and uncompress data. I want to use 
> Zend_Filter_Interface as base. Do I have to create two filter classes to 
> compress and uncompress or is there a way I can use only one class? For 
> example using a set-method to say whether I want to compress or uncompress 
> the data? I think I have to create two classes, right?
> =================================================================
> Jan Pieper
> Entwicklung
> Tel: +49 22 33 - 612 - 3606
> Fax: +49 22 33 - 612 - 53606
> E-Mail: j.pie...@plusserver.de
> PlusServer AG
> Daimlerstraße 9-11
> 50354 Hürth
> Germany
> HRB 58428 / Amtsgericht Köln, USt-ID DE216 740 823
> Vorstand: Jochen Berger, Frank Gross, Jan Osthues, Thomas Strohe
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitz: Claudius Schmalschläger
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