The Captcha images are being created so i suspect its the path to the images
from the view scripts that is the problem. Is your path to your image in the
view code accessible by a browser?

I always use an absolute path from my web root (public or public html

For instance if you have a folder in the root of your site for images, then


would be your folder, etc.

Try specifying an absolute path from the web directory root.

Deepak Shrestha wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Deepak Shrestha <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Didn't get any help from my last post so I went through documentation
>> and tried to understand as much I can but can't find a way to display
>> captcha image in Zend_Form using default behavior of Zend Framework's
>> MVC. AFAIK (with my current knowledge), my code is correct.
>> This is the code snippet in  my [application/forms/myform.php]
>> ===============================================
>>        //first create an image type captcha
>>        $captchaimg = New Zend_Captcha_Image('captchaimg');
>>        $captchaimg->setFont("../application/captcha/fonts/tahoma.ttf");
>>        $captchaimg->setImgDir("../application/captcha/images");
>>        $captchaimg->setImgUrl("../application/captcha/images");
>>        $captchaimg->setWordlen('6');
>>        //create user input for captcha and include the captchaimg in form
>>        $adcaptcha = New Zend_Form_Element_Captcha('adcaptcha', array(
>>            'captcha' => $captchaimg));
>>        $adcaptcha->setLabel('Please enter the 5 letters displayed
>> below:');
>>        $adcaptcha->setRequired(true);
>>        $adcaptcha->addErrorMessage('Entered value did not match with
>> displayed image.');
>> $this->addElements( array(....$adcaptcha));
>> =================================================
>> My view script:
>> ================
>> <?= $this->form ?>
>> ================
>> dirctory structure for captcha image is:
>> =============================
>> application
>>    - captcha
>>        - fonts
>>        - images (for genreated images)
>> =============================
>> My Observation
>> ===============
>> 1. There is no captcha image when form renders. However, I can see
>> image being generated in 'application/captcha/images' folder.
>> 2. Trying to post the empty form (expecting that my custom error
>> message will be displayed) gives me empty error message string with
>> just a round bullet list in the captcha section but other text input
>> fields show the correct error messages.
>> 3. Using view source in the browser, i got this about captcha
>> *********************************************
>> <dd>
>>  ../application/captcha/images/641aa987b887cbefb441f33e194a45b9.png <br/>
>> <input type="hidden" name="adcaptcha[id]"
>> value="641aa987b887cbefb441f33e194a45b9" helper="formText"
>> id="adcaptcha-id" />
>> <input type="text" name="adcaptcha[input]" id="adcaptcha-input"
>> value="" helper="formText" /></dd>
>> **********************************************
>> ===============
>> My Questions:
>> ================
>> 1. The image url was passed to the brower but why it didn't get
>> rendered in the form?
>> 2. Is this the bug or feature? If it is the feature, how do I make the
>> image appear in my form using the code I have posted above? what are
>> the additional things I need to consider?
>> ================
>> Partial answer (best guess) to my own question:
>> ====================================
>> 1. Probably form is forgetting to call some default rendering function
>> of Zend_Captcha to render it (or ???).  However custom approach (with
>> custom form) as shown in zend documentation
>> [] and
>> the one I found in recent blog [] works
>> because it explicitly calls "echo $captcha->render($view);" method.
>> ====================================
>> But I want to stick with ZF's default MVC behaviors and want to
>> understand how these pieces fit together before I can understand and
>> do customized stuffs. So I need to show the captcha image suing zend
>> form.
>> Can somebody guide me about whether it is bug/feature? and any
>> workaround?
>> Thanks a lot
> Sorry I forgot to mention that I am using current version of ZF 1.7
> Thanks
> -- 
> =======================
> Registered Linux User #460714
> Currently Using Fedora 8, 10
> =======================

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