The built in merge method of Zend_Config is just what you're looking for:

$config = new Zend_Config.......;
$config2 = new Zend_Config.....;

// In this case, $config2 will be merged into $config.

On 30/01/2009 2:49 AM, Jan Pieper wrote:
Is it possible to use "extends" in an array? I need to merge X config files to 
one config.

I currently convert them to an array to merge them, but then the "extends" will 
be lost.

----- this two config files -------------------------


   <staging extends="production">...</staging>

------ should be merged to --------------------------

   <staging extends="production">...</staging>


Any clue how to merge X config files without losing "extends"? I see only a way 
using DOM but it should also work with Ini configs.

-- Jan

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