-- Mustafa A. Hashmi <mahas...@gmail.com> wrote
(on Tuesday, 03 February 2009, 11:58 PM +0500):
> I seem to have hit a strange issue with content panes in tab
> containers. To ensure the issue is indeed with ZF, or at least my
> implementation of ZF based tab containers and content panes, I tested
> dojo's functionality independently and verified that it was working as
> intended.
> The working example:
> When a tab container is closed, all widgets inside the tab container
> get destroyed by default. A very simple implementation:
> http://www.pastebin.ca/1326335 <- the index page.
> http://www.pastebin.ca/1326340 <- the href target for the tab.
> This works as expected and I verified that the widget ids are indeed
> destroyed when the tab is closed. A simple way to check this is to
> simply:  javascript:alert(dijit.byId('tabid')); in the browser url
> input area. Doing so before the tab is close shows the widget ID,
> wherein closing the tab destroys all widgets within.
> The issue:
> When using tab containers which are rendered via
> $view->tabContainer(..) however, closing the tab does not destory
> nested widget ids. I can paste a code example of this if requested,
> though it's quite simple to put together. In a nutshell:
> Create a tab with a static ID. Within the tab, open a border container
> which consists of a additional content panes. Close the tab and open
> it again. I seem to get a widget id collision here. I am using
> declarative mark up for dojo and have tried overriding the destroy
> function with a call to destoryDescendants() . I also tried doing a
> dojo.connect to onClose and passing the tab id and calling
> destroyDescendants(), however the widget ID is still available,
> whereas the tab has been destroyed.
> Can someone please confirm or deny this? I can pastebin the ZF code if
> required as well.

Actually, I've run into this using regular dojo markup not generated via
ZF as well -- it's not specific to ZF generated code. I have it solved
on one project right now, but have no concrete idea how I got it to

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect       | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework           | http://framework.zend.com/

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