
>It looks like you're not setting post as the method.

>$form->setMethod( 'post' );
>$this->view->form = $form;

The form's method is set to post now (sorry I forgot; my bad) but I am
still getting the same result.

>It's not the best way but you can do it like this maybe:

>$data = $request->getPost();
>echo $data['qsearch];

Still the same. After setting the method to post and getting the
vardump of getValue(), I got
string(8) "checking"

which I guess is correct but still can't get displayed in the view. Is
my view script wrong?

plus  I noticed something.

I tried to enter the string "What da Hell" and it gives me invalid
string error? why I can't type a sentence? what's wrong with the
validation? Does this have something to do with the problem?

Thank you for your patience.

Registered Linux User #460714
Currently Using Fedora 8, 10

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