Could someone help me out?
I have Zend_Acl all up and running lovely, but further research shows
that some projects serialize the data and store in a database.
My ACL implementation already uses a database for storing roles,
resources etc. but on each time I see my ACL  these calls are made to
the database and I am wondering how to slim this down.
 SELECT "acl_roles".* FROM "acl_roles" ORDER BY "role_id" DESC 
 SELECT "acl_resources".* FROM "acl_resources" 
 SELECT "acl_roles".*, "acl_resources".*, "acl_permissions".* FROM
"acl_roles" INNER JOIN "acl_resources" INNER JOIN "acl_permissions"
WHERE (acl_permissions.resource_uid = acl_resources.uid) AND
(acl_roles.role_id = acl_permissions.role_id) 
 SELECT "acl_roles".*, "users".* FROM "acl_roles" INNER JOIN "users"
WHERE (users.username = "rwc") AND (users.role_id = acl_roles.role_id) 
Obviously if I have a page with a ACL call and then two further Ajax
calls that populate the page that also do ACL calls I get the above SQL
sequence x 3 ... not efficient.
The way I am using ACL in my Application is like so:

     * Render Administration dialog
     * @return void
    public function administrationAction()
        if (!$this->_acl->isUserAllowed('mainMenu', 'administration')) {
            throw new Exception('Permission denied!');


- Robert

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