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Hi Inno,

I solved the same problem some time ago, with simply a new route (which
i will probably port to ZF in modified way some day). It works like this:

Fixed text is prepended with an @, while translatable parameters are
prepended with :@. For example:

route.about.type  = 'App_Controller_Router_Route_Translatable
route.about.route = '@imprint'

Now, the route looks for a Zend_Translate instance with the key
Zend_Translate within Zend_Registry, searches for the message-id
"imprint", translates it, and then tries to match the route.

There are also translatable parameters as said before:

route.statistics.type  = 'App_Controller_Router_Route_Translatable
route.statistics.route = '@statistics/:@timerange'

Here again, "statistics" is simply translated and matches. What the
:@timerange parameter does is the following:

When you assemble the route like this:

$urlHelper->url(array('timerange' => 'this-month'), 'statistics');

The route looks for a message with the id "this-month" and if available,
puts it into the url, else the message id itself. When matching a URL,
it replaces the translated parameter with the message id again, so you
don't have to care about it in your application itself.

For the route code, see the attached file.

:  ___   _   ___ ___ ___ _ ___    :
: |   \ /_\ / __| _ \ _ (_)   \   :
: | |) / _ \\__ \  _/   / | |) |  :
: |___/_/:\_\___/_| |_|_\_|___/   :
: Web    : http://www.dasprids.de :
: E-mail : m...@dasprids.de       :
: Jabber : jab...@dasprids.de     :
: ICQ    : 105677955              :

Innocentus schrieb:
> Dear Friends,
> I want to internationalize the urls of my Zend Framework-driven website.
> The url-structure should look like this (ex. about us):
> * de.domain.tld/ueber-uns/
> * en.domain.tld/about-us/
> * fr.domain.tld/sur-nous/
> The default actual locale should be set to the selected subdomain.
> I have created a configuration-ini file which looks like the following:
> ---
> [...]
> ;; en.domain.tld/about-us/
> routes.doc.route = "_(about us)/"
> routes.doc.defaults.controller = aboutUs
> routes.doc.defaults.action = show
> [...]
> ---
> As you can see I have tagged parts of the route with _( ). In view you
> also do this for tagging parts for i18n.
> And this is because those parts should be translated with
> Zend_Translate (gettext).
> I use poedit - and with those tagged parts poedit is able to
> automatically generate a translation-table (.po-file).
> In bootstrap I fetch this ini-file (which has just been described
> above) and iterate trough the route-entries.
> I also fetch all avaiable translation-languages and also iterate
> trough them for each route-entry.
> ---
> [...]
> // ROUTING - Setup the routing (URLs) of website
> //Load routes from routing-ini:
> $routing_configuration = new Zend_Config_Ini(
>     APPLICATION_PATH . '/config/routing.ini',
> );
> //Get router
> $router = $frontController->getRouter();
> //Get all available translation languages
> $translation_languages = $translate->getList();
> //Go trough the defined routes
> foreach($routing_configuration->routes as $route_name=>$route_data)
> {
>       //Go trough the available languages
>       if(count($translation_languages) > 0){
>           foreach($translation_languages as $translation_language)
>           {
>               //Translate the route and add it to the router
>                 //! - How to parse the route before adding it? -!
>                 //! - How can I name the same route for different
> language-versions? -!
>                   $router->addRoute($route_name,
>                               new
> Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route_data->_data->route,
>                                                            array('controller' 
> =>
> $route_data->_data->defaults->_data->controller,
>                                                                      'action' 
> =>
> $route_data->_data->defaults->_data->action
>                                                                       )
>                                                     )
>               );
>           }
>     }
> }
> [...]
> ---
> In each iteration the route should be parsed so that Zend_Translate
> can translate those _( ) pieces.
> - This is the first problem I have encountered:
>  How can I parse those _( )-tagged text out, translate it and
> reassemble it back into the route-string?
> Then a new route will be created with the translated string.
> - And herein lies the second problem:
> Normally I define a single route named 'about_us'.
> In this case I have multiple routes in different languages for this:
> * de.domain.tld/ueber-uns/ (German version for about us)
> * en.domain.tld/about-us/ (English version for about us)
> * fr.domain.tld/sur-nous/ (French version for about us)
> They are all pointing to the same controller. (In this case it is the
> about_us-controller).
> How should I manage the route-name for multiple languages?
> When I want to use a route later in the view (url-helper), I need to
> pass a route-name.
> The helper-function should fetch the correct route - depending on the
> actual locale.
> - How can I do that?
> However, despite to these problems I would find it really nice to use
> different urls for different languages.
> Maybe someone could help me. Any hints will be appreciated.
> Thank you for your answers.
> With best regards
> Innocentus
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