-- Cristian Bichis <cont...@zftutorials.com> wrote
(on Tuesday, 24 February 2009, 03:10 PM +0200):
> Actually there is already a ZF forum and many of the people from here  
> are also on forum.
> Check www.zfforums.com

Note, however, that this is an unofficial venue, and most of us on the
internal team do not monitor it in any way; it's 100% community

> > Just a general questions, Why isn't there a Peer-to-Peer Technical  
> > Support forums for the Zend Framework? I mean the mailing list is ok  
> > and we get our qeustions answered but having some kind of a forum  
> > where developers could share ideas, tips, help each other (without  
> > relying on the mailing list) and show some application examples (code  
> > snippets) will be a very good addition to the already large community  
> > of developers. With a forum software you could also easly search  
> > things that were already asked and answered, You could archive topics  
> > and posts (unlike the current mailing archive) and i think alot more.
> >
> > I am pretty sure this will just benefit the ZF developer community,  
> > The questions is why something like this wasn't already made?

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect       | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework           | http://framework.zend.com/

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