Hi guys, this is probably more of a general OO question than specific to ZF,
but I thought I'd throw it out there to see if there's some really good
solutions out there.

I've written a pretty extensive application in ZF, it's all MVC driven, uses
Dojo and AJAX, it's pretty cool, and generic and flexible enough to easily
adapt against different databases with different object relationships. I'm
pretty proud of how it's coming out so far, despite a few obvious
shortcomings, but I've gotten to the point where one of the clients using
this wants a whole lot of reports generated, and that raises issues of
architectural requirements.

I've been looking at a Builder design pattern, but the more I think about
it, the more it doesn't really seem to solve many problems - MVC separates
the View already, and it ain't no thang to have a different view script per
report page. I guess what I'm trying to work out is how best to model the in
between bits - the classes between the View and the DB access in the Model.

My current Models really only have the usual get / insert / list / count /
delete methods, with a bunch of private methods for filtering, sorting and
ordering the data, and so any complex report queries would need to be either
built using these tools in a separate layer, or implemented as extra methods
in the current Model classes.

Another thing to consider is user input in these reports, like sorting by
columns, pagination, date ranges, etc.

I guess the question is one of style and elegance. Has anyone got any
examples of a good layer between the Controller and Model(s) for reporting?
I was basically considering something like this:

   - A Reports Controller with a whole lot of named Actions that map to the
   various reports we'll build.
   - Each Action handles gentle processing of user input and passes it on to
   the Reports Model.
   - The Reports model holds all the ugly business logic, calling queries
   and / or other Models directly, processing data to a point fit to return
   back to the Controller. Try and add private methods for standardizing
   functionality where I can.
   - The regular Models mapping against the business objects remain

My concern with this layout is one of cleanliness, I guess. It seems like a
lot of ugly code to put in the one Model. Has anyone seen this problem set
solved really nicely? Something like a handful of good generic reporting
methods that one can implement that map against a significant number of
typical reporting needs? A particular OO design pattern that suits this
really well? Something I haven't thought of?

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