How do I use Zend_DB_Table to add multiple AND conditions using quoteInto().
Ive tried several different methods and the only way I can do it is with a
raw query string. Below are several examples that do not work. Example two
somebody recommended and does not work, I can see the raw query using
Zend_Profiler_Firebug it appends an extra AND condition when it's not


$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('some_id >= ?', $row['data_id']);

$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('some_id >= ?', $row['data_id']);

$this->update($data, $where);


$where[] = $this->getAdapter()

      ->quoteInto('some_id >= ?', $row['data_id'])

      ->quoteInto(' AND some_id >= ?', $row['data_id']);

$this->update($data, $where);


$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('some_id >= ?', $row['some_id']) .
' AND ' . $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('data_id >= ?', $row['data_id']);

$this->update($data, $where);


Thomas Shaw

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