I partially agree with the "Smarty is no longer needed" opinion. During the last months I changed all my ZF projects back to Zend_Layout/Zend_View, eliminating Smarty. But I still need Smarty for simple email body templates... Why does nobody mention the (in my eyes) horrible bug (it's definitely not a feature!) in PHP itself that was last discussed in 1998 and then somehow accepted by the community as a "feature": PHP eating newlines after the closing tag


AFAIK, PHP still doesn't give us the option to turn off this nasty behavior. I didn't hear of an option in PHP 5.3 either. Please let me know, if I'm wrong. Some Smarty templates really start to look messy with all those extra newlines after closing tags if I switch from Smarty to Zend_View.

On 28.03.2009, at 08:33, swilhelm wrote:

I found this blog
post  by Hasin Hayder very compelling.

Philip Iezzi
Onlime Webhosting http://www.onlime.ch

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