-- Marko Korhonen <marko.korho...@datafisher.com> wrote
(on Monday, 06 April 2009, 01:43 AM -0700):
> I have made my model system as:
> Model, Model_DbTable, Model_DbTable_Row etc...
> I have always declared by models in controller, but MVC seems
> to "allow" View to command models also?
> I also try to live by the "Fat models, thin controllers" rule...
> So I made following:
> <select name="faculty" id="faculty">
>       <option value="">-- Filter by Faculty --</option>
>       <?php $model = new Material_Model_Faculty(); foreach ($model->getAll() 
> as
> $faculty): ?>
>       <option value="<?= $this->url(array("faculty" => $faculty->id),
> "materials") ?>"><?= $faculty->name ?></option>
>       <?php endforeach; ?>
> </select>
> This is kinda "religious" question, I know... =)
> But this approach gives me very flexible developing...

Yes, views are allowed to access models for read-only purposes. It's
usually better, however, to pass the model to the view from the
controller or to wrap access to the model within a view helper rather
than to instantiate it directly.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect      | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/

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