Congrats, Matthew.  Out of curiosity, is Wil staying on at Zend?

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 5:15 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney

> Greetings!
> The Zend Framework team has undergone some internal reorganization
> recently which will have some bearing on the project.
> First, the team now reports to Zeev Suraski, Zend's CTO. Please welcome
> him to the lists!
> Additionally, Wil Sinclair is ending his tenure as the Zend Framework
> team leader. During his time as project lead, Zend Framework has made
> tremendous progress in becoming the de-facto standard for PHP
> development, with several significant achievements:
>  * The 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 releases, as well as the recent 1.8 preview
>    release
>  * Helped support and build partnerships with the Dojo Foundation,
>    Adobe, and others
>  * Introduction of agile methodologies to the ZF team
>  * Usage of social networking media as an additional support vector
> I'd like to thank Wil for his contributions to the Zend Framework
> project!
> Finally, I am pleased to announce my own promotion to the position of
> Project Lead. I have worked with Andi and Zeev in recent weeks to define
> how I will approach this role, and have emphasized during that time the
> need to address and respond to community concerns.
> Following the 1.8 release, the team will be focussing on items such as
> whiddling down the bug backlog, improving documentation, and writing
> tutorials. Additionally, we will be outlining and scoping upcoming
> releases in order to publish a public roadmap for the project. Part of
> this effort will include some work to make the proposal process easier
> and more transparent. The hope is that having published milestones will
> help focus user contributions, both in terms of new features and
> stabilizing the framework.
> I look forward to working with each and every one of you, and welcome
> your feedback!
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> Project Lead            |
> Zend Framework          |

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