Thomas VEQUAUD schreef:
> Damn, I met this issue 2 months ago and I was persuaded it was a regular 
> behavior of subforms...
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney 
> < 
> <>> wrote:
>     -- Guillaume Oriol <
>     <>> wrote
>     (on Thursday, 23 April 2009, 07:14 AM -0700):
>      > I designed a generic CRUD controller doing the following
>     operations for the
>      > CREATE action:
>      >
>      >         if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
>      >             $formData = $this->_request->getPost();
>      >             if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
>      >                 $row = $this->_model->createRow();
>      >                 $row->setFromArray($form->getValues());
>      >                 $row->save();
>      >                 $this->goBack(); // Exit here
>      >             }
>      >             // Repopulate the form if it is not valid
>      >             $form->populate($formData);
>      >         }
>      >         ...
>      >
>      > When my form has no subform, everything is okay, but when my form
>     has subforms,
>      > no data is saved.
>      > What am I supposed to do when using subforms? Iterating thru
>     subforms to get
>      > the data?
>      >
> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>      > Without subforms $form->getValues() returns an array like:
>      >
>      > array (
>      >   'name' => 'aaa',
>      >   'description' => 'bbb',
>      >   'submit' => 'submit',
>      > )
>      >
>      > With subforms, $form->getValues() returns something like:
>      >
>      > array (
>      >   'submit' => 'submit',
>      >   '' => array (
>      >     'name' => 'aaa',
>      >     'description' => 'bbb',
>      >   )
>      > )
>     This behavior was recently reported on the issue tracker and fixed in
>     trunk, iirc.

The form values are still given as multidimensional arrays.

Correct me if I'm wrong. But I think Matthew is referring to the missing
subForm name as the key in the array, right Matthew?

I fixed this in a project of mine by making the subForm an explicit
instance of Zend_Form_SubForm. (As was suggested in the issue as a
temporal fix)

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