but i want my db queries to return objects, tried things like:
resources.db.params.FetchMode = Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ;
resources.db.params.setFetchMode = Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ;
resources.db.params.FetchMode = FETCH_OBJ;
resources.db.params.FetchMode = Zend_Db:FETCH_OBJ;

but nothing works ... does somebody know how to do it?

Depending on the actual method you are using, Zend_Db_* will return different object types. The Zend_Db_Table_* stuff will likely return Zend_Db_Table_Row* objects (As part of the Table & Row Gateway architecture).

You are likely more concerned with what is returned if you are calling $adapter->query(), which in turn returns a Zend_Db_Statement_* (mysqli in your case) object.

It is the statement object that when calling $statement->fetch() that you will get the requested mode you set at connection time.

So, for more information about where FETCHMODE is used, please see this page:



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