Hi Vincent
 - See response to your questions below. This is what I understand from the
modular structure.


From: Vadim Gabriel [mailto:vadim...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 07 May 2009 11:00 AM
To: Mon Zafra
Cc: Zend Framework - General
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Modules using zend_application


"About the workshop controller problem, that's probably a rewrite issue or a
wrong base url setting. "

Reading that i was like "yea right..." but then i noticed that i emptied the
baseUrl property in the config.php file and therefore it throw that
exception. Removing that just worked. And modules are working now. Thanks
for that.

BTW I do not use the Zend_Tool. But i am glad i got this working.

@Karl Thanks for the code snippet. Could you let me know what it used for?
If i add it to the Admin module it's being called. Several questions: 
K >>No idea what you mean. This was a test to get a 'stats' module bootstrap

1. Why isn't the default module ('default') bootsrap class called? And the
admin module bootstrap file is?
>> From what I've managed to figure out, the default module uses your
application Bootstrap
2. Why do i need to have 3 bootstrap classes when i only have two modules?
>> You'll only need 2.
>> one under application/Bootstrap.php instead of having it under
>> and one for your admin module under
3. couldn't i use the the contents of application/Bootstrap.php inside
application/modules/admin/Bootstrap.php and
application/modules/default/Bootstrap.php ? I mean having a bootstrap class
for each module?
>> The application one will be used for the default module, so you shouldn't
have another one under /default

Thanks again.

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Mon Zafra <mon...@gmail.com> wrote:

        The module bootstraps will not be executed unless the Modules
bootstrap resource plugin is enabled. Since (I guess) you're using Zend_Tool
now, just add the line 'resources.modules = 1' in application.ini. If you
aren't using a config, there are a couple of ways (that I know of) to enable
        1. Via options passed to the Zend_Application constructor:
            // project/public/index.php
            $app = new Zend_Application($env, array(
                'resources' => array(
                    'modules' => array(),
                    // other resource plugins
        2. Via the $_pluginResources property of the application bootstrap:
            // project/application/Bootstrap.php 

            class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
                protected $_pluginResources = array(
                    'modules' => array()
        About the workshop controller problem, that's probably a rewrite
issue or a wrong base url setting. 
           -- Mon 

        On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Vadim Gabriel <vadim...@gmail.com>

                I was struggling with this, This entire morning with no luck
at trying to figure out how to setup a moduler structure and using
zend_application and bootstrapping. I have gone to a point where he scans
the modules directory, Does not load the bootstrap files located under each
module directory root and has the {modulename}_Bootstrap class name, It then
tries to load the controller named 'workshop' under the url
http://localhost/workshop/public which is clearly something it shouldn't do.
And it does that until i add 'useDefaultControllerAlways' to the config file
under the FrontController resource. This is becoming very hard to understand
as time goes by and the ZF project grows bigger. I couldn't find any (good
understanable organized) documentation regarding this approach. If anyone
tried anything like this or has something to share, Please do. It's getting
very agneying task to try and create an application (with modules) using ZF
b/c of the lack of documentation for these issues.
                Vincent Gabriel.
                Lead Developer, Senior Support.
                Zend Certified Engineer.
                Zend Framework Certified Engineer.
                -- http://www.vadimg.co.il/

Vincent Gabriel.
Lead Developer, Senior Support.
Zend Certified Engineer.
Zend Framework Certified Engineer.
-- http://www.vadimg.co.il/

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