I'm interested in all the great Zend_Amf information that is out there. I've
been over the devzone articles and they are great, but I'm looking for some
more advanced stuff.

I'm pretty clear on how a Flex application can call my php classes and get
values returned to it. I'm not so clear as to whether or not Flex can
instantiate a class and then call functions on it.

I am extremely interested in how a Flex app can send objects to the server.
For example, an actionscript value object that represents a database row
being sent to the server and handled. I think I read somewhere that you must
explicity map that object to a class on the Server in order for it to work.
You can't just add a directory to the Zend_Amf server like you can do when
calls on your php classes are being made.

Also if anyone is aware of any "push data" (like blaze ds) solutions that
work with php, I would love to hear about them.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.


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