I am trying to create a service finder action helper, this will check if a module has a service.
public function getService($service, $module) { if (!isset($this->_services[$module][$service])) { $class = implode('_', array( ucfirst($module), 'Service', ucfirst($service) )); if (!class_exists($class)) { return false; } $this->_services[$module][$service] = new $class(); } return $this->_resources[$module][$service]; } However I keep getting not found errors, I have tried setting the suppressNotFoundWarnings to true but still get the same error. I see in the modules resource for Zend_Application it does a similar operation to load module bootstrap files: if (!class_exists($bootstrapClass)) { $bootstrapPath = $front->getModuleDirectory($module) . '/Bootstrap.php'; It may just be me (its early morning) but I dont see how my !class_exists is different from the modules resource?? Thx Keith