-- Jalil F. <jalil.feg...@gmail.com> wrote
(on Saturday, 16 May 2009, 08:32 AM -0700):
> How do I find out the current version of Zend I am running?

    echo Zend_Version::VERSION;

> Also, if I install 1.8, would that work with an older version?

Not entirely sure what you mean here. Do you mean, will an application
created with an earlier version of ZF still work with 1.8? If so, the
answer is, "Yes, mostly." There are a few gotchas that have occurred,
but for the most part, you should be able to run without many, if any,
serious issues. There are a few migration chapters in the manual for
areas where there are potentially backwards incompatible changes.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead            | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/

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