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If I understand you right, you are talking about shared libraries. In
that case I would just create an svn repos which get's linked via
svn:externals in all projects which require it. Then everytime you make
fixes to it, they will be updated in all other projects when deploying.

The other option would be to put the shared library in a common
directory like /usr/share/php, where every application can use them then.
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Eugen_cro schrieb:
> I have one theoretical question: lets say I have a web application that would
> be used by 10-20-30 different sites (they will all be hosted on same
> server).
> It's still in early stage of development and I don't want to get too far
> ahead of my self :)
> Since the code will be practically the same (library and mvc) what would be
> the best option so I don't have to duplicate code over and over again
> (except storage, that will be pain in the ass to update later)..
> Sites would only be different in domain ofc, database and public directory.
> I was thinking to make some sort of configuration in each public/index.php
> and then pass those options to bootstrap (like domain, title, path to
> public, database info, etc..)..
> Now I'm not quite sure how good is this idea, so any suggestions are more
> then welcome.
> -----
> Regards, Eugen
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