
First you might want to check Matthews blog, He wrote a few posts about
forms and decorators.

Second, As a ZF developer i hardly use the Zend_Form to generate my forms. I
usually do that myself using HTML. From various reason both performance and
usability. But one thing i can suggest is, If you plan on having a login
form across all pages then just create a view helper, That helper will
render a partial with the form you need and all other contents in plain
HTML. It will load faster and it's much eaiser then working with the
Zend_Form lables, decorators etc.. .  At least that what i would do.

Vincent Gabriel.
Lead Developer, Senior Support.
Zend Certified Engineer.
Zend Framework Certified Engineer.
-- http://www.vadimg.co.il/

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Amir Bilal <amirbi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have just started a new project in ZFW, and stuck in a problem.
> I have a form [Login Form] which is being displayed at right side of every
> single page of front end. I need to know that what is the appropriate method
> to make a form using Zend_Form. Will I have to make a plugin or something??/
> Your help in this regard will be much appriciated.
> Best regards,
> --
> Rich Internet Applications Expert
> http://www.amirbilal.com
> Cell: +92.313.8524916

Vincent Gabriel.
Lead Developer, Senior Support.
Zend Certified Engineer.
Zend Framework Certified Engineer.
-- http://www.vadimg.co.il/

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