The Mac I/O system is notoriously slow. Unfortunately, Zend_Tool needs

You must mean windows ;) I've never seen any slowness in my I/O on mac, after all, it is a BSD variant (and Unix certified). :)

to scan all class files in your include_path to determine what classes
it can consume -- which means opening a lot of files. It may make sense
for us to introduce some sort of caching mechanism into Zend_Tool so

This is high priority for me (up there with the module bugs, ability to use Zend_Tool in existing projects).

that you only incur a slow-down the first time you call it.

That is the idea, in fact, i think it might make alot of sense for Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console to have a setup() method that woudl allow the user to setup things like a long term storage location for caching and ini values, as well as let the user know what paths are used for the providers, and also contain the ability to manage static paths to where additional providers are located.


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