Hi On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Thomas Weidner<thomas.weid...@gmx.at> wrote: > So your opinion is that when someone wants to have a RSS date, Zend_Date > should create a RFC_2822 date instead of a RSS date ?
No, you have to produce valid *output* as I wrote. When someone wants RFC_2822 you have to produce 'Sat, 06 Jun 2009 16:01:07 +0200' there is no doubt about it! > Also, when you want to do RSS you should use Zend_Feed and not Zend_Date... > Zend_Date is only related to dates and not to RSS feeds. > As I remember, Zend_RSS returns "parsed" feed and there is a attribute called pubDate which is a RFC 822 string. I think, that Arthur would like to use Zend_Date to parse this date and some of dates are wrong because they are missing leading zeros. Why don't make a life easier and use d{1,2} instead of d{2} when make a sense? i.e 2009-1-20, 2009-01-20 Probably the best way would be to return Zend_Date object directly from Zend_RSS; configured to return RFC 822 date when is used in string context (i.e. echo $feed_item->pubDate;) but that is an another story... -- Ondrej Ivanic (ondrej.iva...@gmail.com)