It looks as if you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled. Either disable it via php.ini or an .htaccess directive. If you can't do that, make a quick google search for something along the lines of stripslashes deep, and apply that to the $_GET and $_POST superglobals as early as possible.

On 13/06/2009 11:41 AM, Jalil F. wrote:

I have a simple form and save some text to the database. I use code like the
following in my form:

         $names = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('names');

And then save the data using a simple model object in my controller like

                $books = new Books();
                $row = $books->createRow();
                $row->names = $form->getValue('names');

and then read it back using fetchrow() function of my Books model object.

I noticed that when my data has special characters like ' it is escaped with
a \. For example, it's is returned to me as it\'s.

Where is this happening exactly? Also, what is the best way to get the exact
text that I entered back?


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