Well in GB one thousand is 1,000 and the floating point is a dot (0.20ct). In 
The Netherlands it's exactly the opposite: €10.000,00 is correct. So where 
1.000 in GB is *not* an integer, in The Netherlands it is. 

R, Jurian
Jurian Sluiman

Op Tuesday 23 June 2009 17:42:57 schreef umpirsky:
> Yes, i know that, but integer is integer, why use locale at all. Integer is
> integer in USA and in Serbia :) For instance Zend_Validate_Alnum is not
> using it, then I don't see why Zend_Validate_Int use it, but it looks that
> for some locale value 5,25 is valid integer, which is also wired.
> I'm using ZF 1.8.1.
> Again big thanks for your valuable help.
> Regards,
> Sasa Stamenkovic.

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