When using gdata routines I am getting a series of warning messages for include files that don't exist. I don't think they are supposed to exist but it is the gdata framework testing to see if it does before it checks a different base class path. Is there any way to turn these off. I can turn off phpSettings.display_errors , but would like for that to be on through development phase. Here is what the warnings look like.

include() [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening 'Zend\Gdata\Photos\Extension\MediaFileSource.php' for inclusion (include_path='C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\explorersnet\application;C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\explorersnet/library;.;C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework\library')

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