We're in the design stage of an application that is going to use Adobe Flex
/ Actionscript for the front end and use AMF to communicate with the server.

We need to control access and record information regarding each request made
to the server.

I am thinking about coding a class that recieves all AMF traffic. Basically
all requests coming from the app will call the same remote method (Service).
The argment for each request will be a "request" object that will have some
basic required attributes such as the name of the user making the request,

It will also contain the name of a class and method (controller and action)
that is required to carry out whatever action the client is requesting. Any
data or variables can be included as other objects in the "request" object
and then used by the class method ultimately called on the server.

One scenario: A user wishes to upload a file. The client handles all the
user interface, creates a request object, creates a Value object for the
file information, creates a bytearray of the file, inserts the file value
object and the bytearray of the file into the request object and calls the
remote service on the server. The request object is sent to the server via
AMF, where it is recreated as the corresponding PHP object.

Then the class (controller) is created since the request object contains the
name of the controller needed, the method (action) needed to save the file
is called and the file value object and the bytearray of the file are used
as arguments, much like post data would be used.

I'll use pieces of the Zend_Framework of course as required.

Are there any similar design patterns I should be looking at? Any roadblocks
you guys see? Am I thinking wrong about anything here? Anyone doing work
with Flex or Flash clients like this?

Appreciate your time,


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