On Saturday 11 July 2009 20:40:50 Ralph Schindler wrote:
>Do you have display_errors and display_startup_errors on?  If so, do
>they show any errors?
>I am betting there is something funky going on in your include_path.
>I am working on some settings that will fix these sorts of issues on
>systems where include_paths might include some, rather- non-standard or
>unreliable code.  This will be in 1.9.

Not being a mac user I cant comment on how the standard mac shell works, but I 
did encounter an issue with a few lines of the zf.sh script in my Linux bash 
environment. Please see ZF-7137 though I suspect it may not be related to the 
original problem posted in this thread for reasons outlined below.

>wenbert wrote:
>> I have tried to setup Zend Framework on my Mac. I do not get zf.sh errors.
>> BUT nothing happens when I type “zf.sh” on my terminal/console.

>> Here are my settings.
>> *Inside my /usr/local/bin*

>> wenbert:/usr/local/bin wenbert$ pwd
>> /usr/local/bin
>> wenbert:/usr/local/bin wenbert$ ls -la zf*
>> -rwxr-xr-x   1 wenbert  admin  3004 Jul 11 11:14 zf.php

>> PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
>> export PATH
>> ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php/library"

It would appear the the location of your ZF tool shell script is *not* in your 
path... Unless your user local .bashrc adds /usr/local/bin to the path env 

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