On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Rob Allen <r...@akrabat.com> wrote:

> On 12 Jul 2009, at 09:45, J DeBord wrote:
>  I can code both of these, but I'm not sure what the correct method is.
>> For recording hits to a website, which would you typically use?
>> For checking if a "Stay logged in" cookie is set and logging the user in,
>> which would you use?
> Hi,
> An FC plugin runs on every request and is generally for "global"
> operations. An action helper can optionally utilise hooks that run every
> request or can contain methods that are called on demand by the controller
> actions that require them. There's obviously some overlap between an action
> helper using hooks and an FC plugin.
> For both your examples, I personally would use a FC plugin for the "stay
> logged in". I would use an action helper for recording hits as its likely
> that you may want to store additional info set by the controller action.

Thanks. That makes sense. So if I want to either create a default identity
for a user OR create an actual identity based on the Stay Logged In cookie,
which hook should I use? routeStartup() maybe?

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