To add:

public function postnewAction() {

        $request = $this->getRequest();

        if(!$request->isPost()) {
            $this->_helper->redirector('notauthorized', 'error');

        $form = $this->_getNewMessageForm();

        if (!$form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
            $this->view->newMessageForm = $form;
            return $this->render('index');

        $values = $form->getValues(); Zend_Debug::dump($values); exit;


array(1) {
  ["message"] => string(27) "This is <a>linked text</a>."


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 8:13 AM, J DeBord <> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply Matthew.
> I'm using 1.84
> Still not working. After executing the code below (see form and controller
> code) and putting this into the textarea:
> <p>
>            This is <a onClick="" href="";
>                title="Foo!">linked text</a>.
>        </p>
> The following is entered into the MySql DB:
>  [image: 
> Edit]<http://localhost/phpmyadmin/tbl_change.php?db=jasondeb_jdnet_Zend&table=messages&primary_key=+%60messages%60.%60id%60+%3D+49&sql_query=SELECT+%2A+FROM+%60messages%60&goto=sql.php&token=e863630c23d959b05950ce1d215c6df5>
>   [image:
> Delete]<http://localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?db=jasondeb_jdnet_Zend&table=messages&sql_query=DELETE+FROM+%60jasondeb_jdnet_Zend%60.%60messages%60+WHERE+%60messages%60.%60id%60+%3D+49+LIMIT+1&zero_rows=The+row+has+been+deleted&goto=sql.php%3Fdb%3Djasondeb_jdnet_Zend%26table%3Dmessages%26sql_query%3DSELECT%2B%252A%2BFROM%2B%2560messages%2560%26zero_rows%3DThe%2Brow%2Bhas%2Bbeen%2Bdeleted%26goto%3Dtbl_structure.php%26token%3De863630c23d959b05950ce1d215c6df5&token=e863630c23d959b05950ce1d215c6df5>
> 49 2009-07-15 07:54:32 1 This is <a>linked text</a>.
> Everything but the <a> tag is stripped as expected, but the href is still
> being stripped. Could it have something to do with the Zend_Db_Table's
> insert method?
> <?php
> class Form_NewMessage extends Form_Default {
>     public function init() {
>         $this->setMethod('post');
>         $this->setAttrib('id', 'new_message');
>         $this->setDescription("What are you doing? What's new?");
>         $textarea = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('message', array(
>             'id' => 'message',
>             'filters' => array(
>                 array('StripTags', array(array('a'), array('href',
> 'title'))),
>                 'StringTrim',
>             ),
>             'validators' => array(),
>             'rows' => 2,
>             'cols' => 40,
>             ));
>         $this->addElement($textarea);
>         $this->addElement('Submit', 'submit', array(
>             'Decorators' => array('ViewHelper'),
>             'class' => 'submit',
>             'Label' => 'Post Your Message!',
>             'Ignore' => true,
>         ));
>         $this->setDecorators(array(
>             'Description',
>             'FormElements',
>             'Fieldset',
>             'Form'
>         ));
>     }
> }
> CONTROLLER (postnewAction is the relevant piece):
> public function indexAction() {
>         $this->view->headTitle('Message Board');
>         $this->view->newMessageForm = $this->_getNewMessageForm();
>     }
>     public function postnewAction() {
>         $request = $this->getRequest();
>         if(!$request->isPost()) {
>             $this->_helper->redirector('notauthorized', 'error');
>         }
>         $form = $this->_getNewMessageForm();
>         if (!$form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
>             $this->view->newMessageForm = $form;
>             return $this->render('index');
>         }
>         $values = $form->getValues();
>         $values['user_id'] = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
>         $model = new Model_DbTable_Messages;
>         $result = $model->insert($values);
>         if(!$result) {
>             throw new Zend_Exception('Problem adding message to database');
>         }
>         $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'messageboard');
>     }
>     protected function _getNewMessageForm() {
>         $form = new Form_NewMessage;
>         $form->setAction('/messageboard/postnew/');
>         return $form;
>     }
> Again, I really appreciate your help.
> Thanks!
> J
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <
>> wrote:
>> -- J DeBord <> wrote
>> (on Tuesday, 14 July 2009, 08:29 PM +0200):
>> > I've tried to make StripTags leave the href attribute, but it strips it
>> out. I
>> > can't find the right syntax or it just doesn't work. The <a> tag is left
>> > intact, every other tag is stripped, but the href and title get stripped
>> as
>> > well.
>> >
>> > I've also used the fluid interface when adding the Textarea, but changed
>> it to
>> > what is below in hopes that it would work.
>> >
>> > What am I doing wrong?
>> What version of ZF are you using?
>> I did the following using current trunk:
>>    $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('foo', array(
>>        'filters' => array(
>>            array('StripTags', array(array('a'), array('href', 'title'))),
>>            'StringTrim',
>>        ),
>>        'value'   => '<p>
>>            This is <a onClick="" href="";
>>                title="Foo!">linked text</a>.
>>        </p>',
>>    ));
>>    echo $element->getValue();
>> and got exactly what I expected:
>>    This is <a href=""; title="Foo!">linked text</a>.
>> > <?php
>> >
>> > class Form_NewMessage extends Form_Default {
>> >
>> >     public function init() {
>> >
>> >         $this->setMethod('post');
>> >
>> >         $this->setAttrib('id', 'new_message');
>> >
>> >         $textarea = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('message');
>> >         $textarea->setDecorators($this->_defaultDecorators);
>> >
>> >         $stripTags = new Zend_Filter_StripTags(array('a'), array('href',
>> > 'title'));
>> >
>> >         $textarea->addFilter('StringTrim');
>> >         $textarea->addFilter($stripTags);
>> >         $textarea->setValidators(array());
>> >         $textarea->setRequired(true);
>> >         $textarea->setAttrib('cols', 40);
>> >         $textarea->setAttrib('rows', 2);
>> >
>> >         $this->addElement($textarea);
>> >
>> >         $this->addElement('Submit', 'submit', array(
>> >             'Decorators' => array('ViewHelper'),
>> >             'class' => 'submit',
>> >             'Label' => 'Post Your Message!',
>> >             'Ignore' => true,
>> >         ));
>> >
>> >         $this->setDecorators(array(
>> >             'Description',
>> >             'FormElements',
>> >             'Fieldset',
>> >             'Form'
>> >         ));
>> >
>> >     }
>> > }
>> --
>> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
>> Project Lead            |
>> Zend Framework          |

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