Question about multi page forms using subforms.

Ok so I have been looking at the example on
is all good.

However, when you move to the next subform it validates the previous subform
to see if it isValid().  If so it checks to see if the whole form (all the
subforms) are isValid() and if it's not it moves onto the next subform in
the list.  It all works but the problem is when you move to the next form
which is a isPost() it automatically checks the validation on the full form
and subsequently displays the errors on the form that is the new next form.

The problem is that you are already posting when you display the next form
and I don't want the errors to display!  anyone know a good way to remove
validation errors when initially loading the 2nd and *n *subforms?

I am using this code

Shaun Farrell

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